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See why BK Borekyo, Founder and CEO of Vemma call this the world’s perfect business!


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 What are you waiting for?

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  • Apr 14 Sat 2012 19:56
  • vemma

nathan2888 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I’m Viviana,Mompreneur and a mom of 2 kids.  I get to know internet marketing and network marketing when I’m already a mom of 2 kids. I’m late, but it’s better late than never to discover my potentials. Now, I printed my name and my works on YAHOO or GOOGLE. I’m still learning a certified coaching and marketing funnel from US online program.  I am willing to learn the skills that I’ve never done before and to be the person that I always want to be. Everyone of us has rich resources lying dormant within us.  Don’t wait until someday to discover your potentials. There’s no guarantee of SOMEDAY.  The best time is NOW to start your journey in Vemma.  My favorite quote:   

Success isn’t to be pursued but to be attracted by the person you become – Jim Rohn

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Very often the First question that pops up somebody’s mind will be “Why should I join Vemma?”

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As some of our leaders are sharing about this topic, i find it useful and would like to share with you what could be your best way to answer to this question.

But really, come to think about it, people dont make money overnight in this business and it is not easy to have others to join you if you dont own a sports car or a huge bangalow. Here is the thing. Why do people ask this question? What is the intention behind this question? People just want to know how much I am going to make in Vemma, they want to feel secure.

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nathan2888 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

To address this, i have previously put up a post on MLM is a cheating business -is it so . Today I just want to share some happiness I recently got when received the mail from Vemma. What I have gotten is minimal as I just got involved in this business not too long ago. But the fact that I received cheques show that this is a legitimate business.

Vemma cheque

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nathan2888 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Testimonial sharing by our team member Tony Wong from UK.


Initially, I start joining Vemma is hope to get an extra income in return. Been failed in few investments, first in my property investment in the UK (my house price drop up to 30%) and second on other small businesses here & M’sia (around £10K).

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Initially I don’t want to have this Vemma blog because I think the Vemma website is good enough with all the valuable information and Vemma Builder too provide adequate materials. But later when I spend more time learning and studying about Vemma products and the business, I found that there are something I can do more to share with others. Also, this is good to jot down my journey in Vemma Online Business.

I probably just write short sharing each time, I just don’t want this to be very formal article writing which sounds boring.

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Dear Friends,

Welcome to my Vemma blog! My name is Agnes  – your Success Coach in Vemma .

The purpose of the blog is to share with you all about my learning and journey in Vemma Online Business. The more I learn about Vemma, the more I want to share with public, especially with those who doesn’t know about Vemma or want to know more about Vemma.

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Vemma Asia CEO Kenneth Koh Shares His WHY

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Year 2012 Top 25 whole world direct sale, TOM NO.1 !!

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